Lots of people have plans. They want to book a pilot, by next year or maybe get their show off the ground in a year or secure capital for their movie in 24 months. I think plans are great and they give you something to look forward to, however you should start with a desire. Something that you REALLY want. And think about how you can get it. Booking a pilot or securing capital for a movie has too many steps. Focus on something in the middle. Not small, but not too complex either. Maybe booking a principal role on a TV show or sending your screenplay to specific investors who are looking for projects to invest in. What I've learned is, you may not know the "how" but if the desire is strong enough the "how" wont matter and you will figure it. I know that may not seem like the best answer but its the truth. When you really want something, you figure out how to get it. What I would encourage you to do is get a piece of paper and write your desire at the top. Then write 20 ways to achieve this desire or goal. Then actually go down your list and do those 20 things that will help you achieve your goal. I promise you if the answer isn't on your list it will reveal itself to you somewhere else in you life. The key is focusing on something and actively working towards it. Passivity won't do anything for you. Neither will having a bunch on goals on your wall that you aren't ACTIVELY pursuing.
Don't wait, create
-Nydia Simone
Don't wait, create
-Nydia Simone